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―瑞宝章叙勲記念 能勢之彦教授業績集―
能勢之彦教授瑞宝章叙勲祝賀会事務局 編/発行
■頒価 5,000円 ■ISBN4-938133-25-3 C0076 ■04年10月刊
[目 次]
能勢之彦教授瑞宝章叙勲記念 業績集発刊によせて/祝賀会発起人一同
第1部 能勢之彦教授経歴
第2部 叙勲を祝して
 Michael E. DeBakey, M.D. Felicitation on the honor
 F. Charles Brunicardi, M.D, F.A.C.S Your lifelong contributions
 George Noon, M.D. A tribute to Yuki
 石田訓夫 指導力と科学技術力とそして努力
 瀬在幸安 能勢之彦先生のご叙勲を祝して
 渥美和彦 能勢先生の叙勲をお祝いして
 堀 原一 能勢語録
 水戸廸郎 大志を懐き世界の架け橋となった能勢之彦先生
 工藤武彦 ユキとの交流
 小柳 仁 よき扇動者―能勢之彦先生
 桜井靖久 能勢先生との接点
 須磨幸蔵 能勢之彦先生の叙勲に際して
 太田和夫 能勢先生との出会い
 工藤龍彦 85年、クリーブランドツアーの思い出
 Dr. Lowell T. Harmison My life in NIH and remembrance of Yuki Nose
 Ernst Wolner, M.D. A real international scientist, Yuki Nose
Roland Hetzer, M.D., Ph.D. An outstanding contributor to the field of artificial organs
 Reiner Korfer, M.D., Ph.D, A Tribute to Yukihiko Nose, M.D., Ph.D
 Victor Poirier Lessons learned from Yuki
 Don B. Olsen, D.V.M., D.Sc. Your life long dedication
 Julia Glueck Yuki, you are fantastic!
第3部 能勢先生と私
浅沼義博  市川誠二   伊藤和彦  大西正夫   大原康壽  川口洋一郎
川田志明  國友哲之輔  小阪 亮  小澤勝男   塩野元美  軸屋智昭
下野高嗣  新保秀人   末岡明伯  住倉博仁   高谷節雄  谷 徹
田山栄基  塚本雄貴   土屋喜一  中尾通治   内藤光三  花崎和弘
藤沢 章  堀内 孝   前田朋大  松浦雄一郎  松添大助  松下昌之助
松田幸博  三田村好矩  宮田暉夫  本村 禎   守永典彦  柳 健一
山中 修  山根 隆志
第4部 主要論文
(1)Editorials for Artificial Organs
(2)ASAIO Gold
(3)Therapeutic Apheresis
(4)Keynote address and presidential address for ISAO and JSAO
(5)My life with NIH, Dr. Kolff and ASAIO
(6)Keynote address and presidential address at WAA congress and ISFA congress
(7)Keynote address and presidential address for ISRBP
(8)75th year anniversary of University of Hokkaido Scool of Medicine Hospital
第5部 著書および論文タイトル集
 Manual on Artificial Organs‐Volume I:Artificial Kidney
 Cardiac Engineering‐Advances in Bioengineering and Medical Physics
 Manual on Artificial Organs‐Volume II:The Oxygenator
 Plasmapheresis‐Historical Perspective Therapeutic Applications and New Frontiers
 Plasmapheresis‐Therapeutic Application and New Techniques
 Plasmapheresis‐New Trends in Therapeutic Applications
 Therapeutic Apheresis:Critical Look
 ICMT Publication on Artificial Organs
(2)Publication List
付 Dr. Nose Co-Authors 1962‐2004
お礼の言葉  能勢之彦
Blood Purification
−ICMT Publication on Artificial Organs−Volume I−
Edited by Yukihiko Nose, Helen Kambic, Seiji Ichikawa
■ICMT Press, Houstn, Texas ■Price \5,000- ■ISBN 0-936022-43-4 ■Published in 2001
Total page 209
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 2001-131913
Blood Purification
−ICMT Publication on Artificial Organs Volume II−
Edited by Yukihiko Nose, Tadashi Motomura, Shinji Kawahito
■ICMT Press, Houstn, Texas ■Price \5,000- ■ISBN 0-936022-44-2 ■Published in 2001
Total page 203
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 2001-132586
Cardiac Prosthesis
−ICMT Publication on Artificial Organs Volume III−
Edited by Yukihiko Nose, Tadashi Motomura
■ICMT Press, Houstn, Texas ■Price \5,000- ■ISBN 0-936022-45-0 ■Published in 2001
Total page 238
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 2001-132800

Preface (Volume III Cardiac Prosthesis)
Dr. Akutsu, a brilliant surgeon, came from Japan to help me develop the heart-lung machine. We succeeded and provided the basis for the open-heart program at the Cleveland Clinic.
But Akutsu wanted to go on, and therefore accepted a position with Dr. Adrian Kantrowitz in Brooklyn, New York. I called Adrian Kantrowitz, and said: “If you take Akutsu away from me, please give me Yuki Nose, because without a first-class cardiac surgeon, I am totally ruined.” Kantrowitz protested and said: “You can have so-and-so and so-and-so, but please not Yuki Nose.” But Kantrowitz is a very good man and he gave in, and so I got Yuki Nose to continue the research work with the heart-lung machines, and later the artificial heart.
When Yuki Nose arrived in Cleveland, the first thing he did was to set up a large file cabinet, and he was going to have copies of every reprint ever written about heart-lung machines and artificial hearts in it. I thought it was a hopeless proposition, but of course, I could not stop him, and indeed, he accomplished it, and this is typical of Yuki Nose. When he wants something he gets it. He is probably the best informed person about everything that goes on with artificial internal organs, and he has written numerous books and articles about them. Scientifically, he is uncompromisingly honest. Yuki Nose doesn’t want any feathers in his tail that do not belong there. He never wanted to have his name attached to an artificial heart that was developed in my laboratory. We never had a Kolff heart either. At his specific insistence, we did not have a Nose heart although I can immediately testify that he developed one with giant atria, etc. Much later, in 1982, a “permanent artificial heart was put in Dr. Barney Clark, the dentist from Seattle. That heart was called the “Jarvik 7.” There were immediate protests from several sides that it should have another name, but Jarvik had worked with me as a student for many years, and it had been assigned to him, and so it became the Jarvik heart. Trying to ease the protest, we counted how many people have worked with me on the artificial heart. The number was 147, and Jarvik was one of 147. Although many of my co-workers had their name attached to one artificial heart or another, there was no “Nose heart” or “Kolff heart.”
When I moved to the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, Yuki Nose became my successor. He advertised and got two helpers, Paul Malchesky and Ray Kiraly, both of whom became nationally known. Yuki Nose himself flourished after Dr. Michael DeBakey recognized his potential and called him to Houston. In Houston, he was able to further pursue his ideas of an institute and museum. To me, Yuki Nose has been a very helpful friend, and I am very grateful. I hope to witness his further development and endorse all his plans and projects in the near future and beyond.

Willem J. Kolff
Adjunct Professor of Medicine
New York State University
Brooklyn, New York
(in the division of Dr. Eli Friedman)
Cardiac Prosthesis

マーク 株式会社 はる書房 〒101-0051 東京都千代田区神田神保町1-44 駿河台ビル TEL 03-3293-8549 FAX 03-3293-8558 info@harushobo.jp